Name 姓名 : 6961号 Ling Ling(玲玲姐)
Age 年龄 : 28 Years Old
Height 身高 : 155cm
Boobs 胸围 : 36C
Weight 体重 : 41
Room 包房
Ang Mo Kio 宏茂桥
Manhood Therapy
Please quote seen from TT! 请说TT看见的!
宗经络抓跟按摩吗?您爱爱时有心无力吗?生殖器周围有按压性痛感吗?爱爱不能持久吗?弟弟不够坚挺吗?您小便时需要等待或分叉并伴有尿路疼痛吗?这都是经络损伤或是前列腺问题和尿路不畅通引起的,正宗中医穴位抓跟疗程可以帮助您治疗这些问题。抓根是保健养生,并不是色情!因为真正的抓根是不可以射精(固本培元)。通过按、揉、推、拉、提、捏、拨等手法按摩阴茎、睾丸、会阴穴、下腹部、大腿内侧、淋巴等部位疏通输精管、输尿管与海绵体而且通过特殊手法按摩睾丸还可以使雄性荷尔蒙分泌更加旺盛!打通与唤醒男士生殖系统周围的经络、穴位 和韧带,提升男士性功能 ,使生殖器周围血液循环更加畅通、打通经络穴位,是真正的治疗与保养!如果按疗程治疗可以增大增粗 增硬!可缓解阳痿早泄、勃起无力等症状。
*前列腺治疗 2分钟$150不好不收费不满意不收费
I will come back again as a maintenance program.
5 Stars!
There are no exaggerated publicity and advertisements. Under the strong recommendation of friends, I mustered up the courage to try, and the result was better than expected.
My little brother is much much more stronger and harder than before. More prolonged ejaculation
I strongly recommend everyone to engage the service treatment
Extremely professional, helped clear my prostate issue. but need few sessions to complete. Good juagen as well.
Yes, this treatment works. Forget about those claims or hanky panky type.
Ling Ling Jie, I must say is serious about her business.
Stop looking elsewehere. Take the leap of faith. You won’t regret.
I am looking forward for more sessions in the near future!
After two sessions, I felt very strong every morning. I believe it is due to better blood circulation after the treatment.
Thank you and deepest gratitude to her
After few days, my adomen areas no longer have pain.
Must say this damn thing of JuaGen and Prostate Treatment works!
Btw, I get an erection this morning.
After 2 session, including the prostate treatment done by Ling Ling Jie, all the pain areas are gone.
I can really say this is not a myth or scam to entice one to go for it. This is a genuine treatment for all the males.
Taking her advice, I signed up for the full package which included Jua Gen + Prostate Treatment.
After 5 days, I can vouched that my problems are almost gone. No more frquent night urine. Early morning call (after 4th day) and my wife immediately saw the difference that she used her mouth to finish off (Sorry, dirty me.. ha ha but is the fact)
Going back for my follow up next week.
I was advised to go back on the 3rd week for my follow-up session.
Definitely worth all the investment after my pains are gone on my hypogastic areas, in the lower region near my private part.
I highly recommend Juagen massage to anyone seeking a natural and holistic approach to addressing erectile dysfunction and enhancing overall men’s health.
抓龙筋的妹妹叫Ah May,按摩的环境非常漂亮,先是一套非常专业利落的全身按摩、踩背等,感觉好多年都没用体验这么有手法有技术的按摩了。放松身体后,进行前列腺检查,发现我的问题比较重,所以必须要玲玲姐来做治疗,【郑重声明:治疗并不是前列腺高潮那种play,而是和看病一样,不会有爽感,会痛】,但治疗后需要Ah May妹妹进行抓龙筋的理疗,非常舒服,但绝不是助人勃起的爽感。
After the juagen massage next morning, I got a wake up call from my little brother. I know for sure this is the after good effect from the juagen.
I strongly recommend all my friends out there to have a maintenance program before you lose your manhood.